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I am leading the Composable Process Platform Innovation unit that works on helping businesses to increase adaptability in an ever-changing world. Together with my highly skilled, innovative, and technology-focused development teams, we want to evolve the SAP Business Technology Platform to become the foundation for modular SAP and non-SAP components that empowers companies to dynamically compose their business processes.
In my second role and after conferring emeritus status on Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. em. Hasso Plattner at the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) for Digital Engineering, University of Potsdam, I am still responsible as chair representative for the retired Enterprise Platform and Integration Concepts (EPIC) research group including mentoring of remaining PhD students, transferring of latest research results, and ensuring a strong industry partnership with SAP.
After finishing my studies at the HPI back in 2008, I did my dissertation in Computer Science under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Robert Hirschfeld and his Software Architecture Group and the HPI Research School on "Service-oriented Systems Engineering". My main research focused on software engineering, debugging, and reverse engineering. The following movie (in German) presents an abstract of my work named Test-driven Fault Navigation (at minute 3:00).
After receiving my doctoral degree, I joined the SAP Innovation Center in 2014 and mainly worked in the area of development experience and programming models. I was a project lead for Machine Learning in the Future Corporate Management group and coordinated projects such as Hasso Plattner’s and Bernd Leukert’s published book "The In-Memory Revolution" as well as Hasso Plattner’s SAPPHIRE keynotes since 2014.
Since 2015, I was the head of Chairman and Strategic Projects at SAP. In this development manager role, I led highly skilled, results-oriented, and technology-focused development teams to come up with tangible results for high-priority inquiries from the Executive Board and Supervisory Board of SAP. With an agile and flexible setup, we realized strategic projects such as implementing proof of concepts, supporting keynotes and papers, or creating reports about latest trends.
In May 2020, I received the request for a special strategic project, and returned to the Hasso Plattner Institute to direct the department of Professor Plattner and to strengthen the collaboration with SAP. My responsibilities included the general coordination and steering of teaching, research, project activities, and industry partnerships of the Enterprise Platform and Integration Concepts (EPIC) research group. This also included managing and advising academic research teams at undergraduate, graduate, and PhD-level. My research interests range from enterprise in-memory data management on latest hardware via the design and architecture of modern enterprise applications through to tackling integration challenges.
In mid 2023, we retired the EPIC chair and I rejoined as SAP as head of Composable Process Platform Innovation.
In 2021, I have been awarded with an ACM Senior Membership and since 2024 I have been appointed to the Industrial Curatory Board of Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik and serve as the location representative of the SAP Innovation Center in Potsdam.
In my spare time, I am part of the managing committee of Squeak e.V. (the German Smalltalk user group), engage as coach in the startsocial program, and lead a basketball course at the University of Potsdam. Further on, I actively enjoy running and cycling.
Dr. Michael PerscheidSAP SE
Innovation Center Potsdam
Konrad-Zuse-Ring 10
D-14469 Potsdam, Germany
E-Mail: first.last (at) sap.com
Tel: +49 (0) 331 97995-296
Mobile: +49 (0) 151 62345191